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Clinical Offerings

Suzanna Stone has several clinical offerings for different needs, including Initial Consultations, Follow-Up Consultations, and Acute Care Consultations. Read below for detailed descriptions and pricing. 


Appointments are offered every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 10am, 1pm, and 3pm EST. If this schedule is not compatible with your needs, please reach out and we can find a time that works for you.


For bookings and inquiries, please fill out this form.


Trauma-informed, LGBTQIA+-friendly.



Initial Consultation

1.5 hrs, $75-175 self-determined sliding scale.

Initial consultations investigate your complete health history, finding the patterns, contributing events, and underlying issues, both emotional and physical. This consultation takes a focus on energetics, assisting you in uncovering how major life events, both health-related and personal, have impacted you physically and energetically. By working layer by layer to find the deepest issues, we will develop supports to reinvigorate your vibrancy and resiliency. At the same time, we will address any existing symptoms, working to help you feel better in the present moment while excavating your personal history. Recommendations will be provided regarding lifestyle, food, herbal medicines, and energetic practices. 


Suzanna works clinically according to each person's individual needs, and is more than happy to work with you on integrating herbal approaches in cooperation with any existing medications you may take. This clinical herbal approach is respectful of how people may want to integrate herbalism into their lives, and will not make any judgments or recommendations related to medication use that would compromise clients' boundaries.

Follow-Up Consultation

1-1.5 hrs, $75-175 self-determined sliding scale.

Consultation following Initial Consultation. At least two are recommended. Follow-up consultations are designed to check in on how initial recommendations are going, address new present needs or questions, and shift formulas to support further healing.

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Acute Care Consultation

15 to 30 mins, $25-65 self-determined sliding scale.

Acute care consultations offer advice and support for in-the-moment health concerns including (but not limited to) acute sickness such as the flu or stomach viruses, injuries such as sprains, or acute emotional crises. Acute care consultations are not designed to investigate health history or work through deeper layers, rather these consultations provide support for more immediate needs, either in terms of advice for physical health repair or acute emotional care. 

Clinical Consultation Form

Please fill out this form and I will get back to you shortly! 


Clinical Appointment Hours (EST):

10:00AM T/W/Th

1:00PM T/W/Th

3:00PM T/W/Th


All appointments will be conducted via Zoom or phone.


If you are not available during these hours or are in a different timezone, please let me know in the form and we can work out a time that works for you!

Form successfully submitted!

Format © 2023 by Amelia Banks. Content © 2024 Owlcraft Healing Ways.


This website and all Owlcraft Healing Ways Programs, Classes, and Consultations, live or recorded, are for entertainment purposes only.
​We do not provide medical advice. ​The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, prescribe or cure any disease or medical condition. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America. Please consult with your qualified health care professional for medical advice.
 Reproduction or distribution of the imagery or information of this site is only to be done with permission of Suzanna Stone.

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